All business works on two principles: we create value in practical products that are useful to others and then we influence someone to buy. In the Kingdom we have a similar injunction to go into all the earth and to be the salt and light (also rather salesy!). Most of us are not in the sales or marketing profession, nor are we smooth-talking evangelists. Yet, there is something unique about Kingdom business that bridges the chasm between us and marketing.

Marketer – one who seeks a specific response
Marketing – the art and science of strategic influence

We co-labor with Father to do greater works; there is a miraculous ingredient in Kingdom Business. We also co-market with Holy Spirit. He’s the influencer who causes hearts to experience the drawing or compelling aspects of Kingdom. Coming to Father isn’t manipulative, it feels like coming home, becoming ourselves, and being chosen for our inheritance. As sons and daughters, we have the privilege of inviting others into the abundant, fulfilling life Jesus redeemed for us. Christ in us is their first encounter with Jesus on earth. We’re inviting people into what we carry (our definition of sales). We’re thrilled to share our products or speak from our personal brand because we know the blessing it will have on people. We market the same people the influencer has prepared in advance!

We have a great product that is both spiritual and natural! Here is how it works

#1. Purpose, the Why (When the people heard this)– Living, prophetic words are not manipulative, they are life giving. They resonate in our hearts and spark hope, faith to receive what Father has for us. Articulating the purpose of the purchase is where the influencer gets involved. The good news was presented over 30 times in the gospels and Acts. Every instance was accompanied by at least one of the gifts of the Spirit. When we share purpose in one ear, the Holy Spirit is speaking in the other ear to create a stereo effect. Our words and His Living Words intersect at what Father is saying to people so they can hear their why. Father’s words don’t return void, they are alive and active and achieve His purpose.

Isa 55:10As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11)    so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
                It will not return to me empty,
                but will accomplish what I desire
                and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

So, step 1 is to say what you see Father saying (Jn 8:38).
Make room for the miraculous ingredient that puts the person before the sale.
Don’t leave home without your Influencer.

#2. The Emotion, Feeling (they were cut to the heart) – The presence of the influencer in our marketing is what causes our hearts to feel moved and respond. It’s where willingness comes from.

    • Exod 35:21 – everyone who was willing and whose heart moved came…
    • Lu 24:32 – were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us
    • Jn 7:46 – No one ever spoke the way this man does

Heart connection is the confirmation people need to see that your offer is real, it’s a spiritual transaction that happens when we hear hearts. People don’t remember what you said, or did, or anything about your business. They remember how they felt in your presence. Sons are excited about the value they share and totally willing to talk about it and impart the experience of it.

So, step 2 is your personal brand
Emotionally listening and connecting with hearts is a spiritual transaction.
The first sale is yourself – what you believe and how enthusiastically you connect.

#3. The Invitation, Call to Action (What shall we do?) – Living words that evoke heart-felt emotions form the basis for a decision. People have the experience of feeling known and chosen by their Father. They are now willing to hear guidance on the next steps. It’s still their choice, but we need to feel bold enough to articulate a plan of action that will help them receive their promised value. They also want to hear the stories of other people taking the same action; what were their results, how many, is it a movement? We’re helping them count the cost and grasp the benefits of acting on Father’s Words.

So, Step 3 is being courageous enough help them experience being chosen and what the next steps are.
We’re prophetically taking the wraps off their future so they can see it too.

#4. Engagement, Celebrating the sale (About 3000 were added) – When people engage in your Kingdom business product you should logically experience joy over their choice. The Influencer, Father, and all of heaven rejoice with you. Kingdom Marketing is a party for everyone!

Lu 15:6Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost
7)  There is joy in the presence of the angels of God

There is a post-decision excitement that leads to some practical steps on how to go forward. These spiritual transactions are accompanied by a relational connection. You will feel loved by the people you help because the experience the value your product provides. In Marketing it can be called service after the sale, but we call it discipling sons and daughters. We’re inviting people to get the results or value from their engagement with us (and Father) and we’re spelling out where to start and how we can help in the future. A product or service from a Kingdom Business always has some kind of spiritual impartation related to their inheritance. The Influencer is always present adding a miraculous ingredient.

So, Step 4 includes a relational engagement that lives beyond the sale.

Bottom line These four marketing steps are all more spiritual than we imagined. They all work better when Holy Spirit is allowed to be the Influencer. And they are all more fun than we ever imagined. Marketing is the love for people that redeems Father’s treasured purpose written in the hearts of His people. Kingdom marketing is a transaction, but it’s also a transformation via the impartation.

Father, we’re making room in our hearts for people and for marketing your purpose in their hearts.

Mt 10:32Therefore, everyone who confesses Me before people,
I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven.
33)   But whoever denies Me before people,
I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.

Confess (Homologeo, G3670) – to speak the same (Say what Father is saying)

Note: the above graphic, this blog, and the video discussion were inspired by two of my own Council sessions. They are great examples with instructive links so that you can do it too:

We help Kingdom Businesses find and fulfill their unique purpose while producing value and cash flow. We integrate Father’s Courts, Council, Purpose and Passion for Business leaders in a 1-on-1 format. Our Axiom – Have fun, create value, love people, and build the Kingdom!


This is a 40 minute discussion Kingdom Business Marketing that expands this theme.

Cutting Room Floor Q & A

Q – What’s the difference between secular and Kingdom Marketing?
A – The answer is subtle, but important.

    • Secular marketing is a belief that good products, copy, and exposure will statistically work on any target population. If it’s not working, it’s our fault for doing a poor job on those three things. This line of thinking is where pushy sales come from… the belief that we’re responsible to change people’s minds. It’s really just garden variety manipulation.
    • Kingdom Marketing is focused on products that have juice (Kingdom purpose) and people who have been prepared in advance (Eph 2:10, Jn 15:16). We’re not trying to sell everyone; we’re making room for Holy Spirit to go before us and prepare hearts. He’s the one creating receptivity for a product that has a divine purpose for them. Instead of changing people’s minds, we’re finding the people Holy Spirit is already speaking to and speaking in stereo. Sales appointments with these people feel like divine appointments, the copy and conversations have a prophetic tone. Customers feel like they are being helped and loved instead of manipulated.
    • Purpose –  What If I can’t articulate the Kingdom purpose of my product, my business, or even myself? Since you’re marketing purpose, it’s important to have that clarity. Start with the Nail Your Purpose Field Guide, a 3 module course with templates you can down load and short explainer videos.


Q – How do I sharpen my sales skills? Where do I learn to read and hear hearts and Connect with People? How do I learn share Living, prophetic words; say what Father is saying
A – You learn to hear and read people’s hearts by going to the Council and learning to hear Father’s heart. Prophetic discernment, saying what Father is saying, and love for people is totally a learned skill. Take a look at the council sessions for this blog and follow the four links.


Q – Is this for Everyone? Is everyone responding to sonship?
A – It is for everyone, when they are ready. Not everyone is ready. Jesus said it this way, You do not believe (buy) because you are not my sheep (Jn 10:27). Not everyone is your customer – That’s exactly why we need to hear hearts instead of being pushy and frustrated trying to control the outcome.

    • Say what Father says, say what you see (Jn 10:38)
    • Go where Father goes; follow the lamb wherever (Rev 14:4)
    • Do what Father is doing (Jn 5:19)


Q – What makes a pushy salesman so offensive? Why am I naturally resistant to marketing?
A – We’ve all been “pushed” into someone else’s mold that didn’t fit. Sometimes we even volunteered for it to gain something. We, or others, tried to apply the letter of the law to hold us accountable for something we were not designed or called to do. Outward compliance that opposes our inward design is the letter that kills, but the Spirit gives life (2Cor 3:6). Those out-of-identity experiences stick with us the rest of our lives. Finding someone who can help you be yourself, or a product that fits your true purpose is in an immediate “sale,” a breath of fresh air.


Q – What makes sales and marketing helpful, pleasant, and delightful?
A – Great salespeople and great copy has focus on you, not just the product. They are intentional about hearing what it is you need and helping discover something that will help you get there. They consciously try to make a connection between what is in your heart, Father’s heart, and how the product or service meets your Kingdom purpose. They listen to hear your story, read your book, and read your mail from Father prophetically.


Q – Who can help me with marketing? How can I start?
A – There a several different approaches to marketing and we try to use them all.

    • Referrals – I try to give an intro to our Resources to business owners who know me.
    • Social Media – We use Scaling Lean for Face Book marketing. Reasonably priced and very knowledgeable (Jonathan Ploransky and Nina Brennan).
    • Content – We try to put lots of free value in this video blog, partly because that’s what Father is doing, and it communicates the level of movement – Father is inviting His sons and daughters.
    • Tribes – We have website subscribers, the Releasing Kings blog, a face book group, and a Live Zoom tribe that meets monthly. These are handles people can use to open the door and join us at the level they are comfortable with to taste and see.

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