The Old Wineskin – The concept of God fulfilling His Kingdom purpose in a business culture is new and exciting. It’s a big change in business and in our hearts. We all come from a church culture and most of us carry some baggage about what ministry is.

I was bi-vocational pastor and started two charismatic churches over 13 years starting in 1990. I carried a sincere belief that the church was the only mountain God worked through “and” if you were called you needed to have an office (pastor) and a microphone ministry. I wanted to “preach.” Those 13 years weren’t wasted, but my cloud still moved from church to Kingdom. I laid down my desire for microphones, the office, the authority people gave me, travel, prowess, invitations, and acclaim.

There was something much better, much purer! Much less predictable!




Kingdom Business – The deepest transition to Kingdom is that I had to stop ministering out of my need, the idolatry I carried for ministry. It’s no longer about me and my ministry. It’s not even about my money!

  • In Kingdom business my church formulas were standing in the way of Father co-laboring with me.
  • From attracting people to our programs to releasing them into their dream.
  • From people’s anointed pastor for life, to connecting them with their own app, Holy Spirit.


This is the breath of fresh air in Business

#1.  The opportunity to put Kingdom first, a higher purpose about us instead of me.
#2.  The reality of work becoming worship, ministry to our people and City
#3.  The brand that has prophetic attraction to Father’s purpose
#4.  The miraculous fact of God’s favor, Staff forming an Ecclesia around shared Kingdom Purpose
#5.  Growing people into their hearts, Father’s heart, the exploits
#6.  Having 40 hours a week for the Progression of Sons, present in Courts & Council
#7.  Leveraging the warrior in bizpeople, spiritual gatekeepers, overseers who reign



My Theology Shifted – God does have a call on both people and businesses, even nations.

1)  Our first step was learning to hear what that call is in a Purpose Profile – It’s not the same for everyone. It’s not the same for anyone!
2)  The second shift is that the shared Kingdom purpose for a business includes the culture of Ecclesia, God dwells in our business, He co-labors with us. He favors us when we put His Kingdom first.
3) The third shift was realizing we have a priestly responsibility to grow our people spiritually and naturally (Operational Excellence flows from Relational Connection).

One-on-Ones’s – We use weekly, scheduled 1-on-1 conversations with each of our staff to Honor what they carry; to listen for their purpose and find the overlap with our corporate purpose. It’s the key to employee engagement. We don’t hire Christians only; we hire the best fit. But our belief is that regardless of maturity levels, every one of our staff is fearfully and wonderfully made, designed with purpose and destiny. We take responsibility to relationally help them unwrap their purpose and their path in 1-on-1 conversations. We do it for their sake, but the frosting is that we get an engaged, enthusiastic staff excited about Father’s purpose in our business. Here’s why 1-on-1’s work for people:


Tailoring 1-on-1’s to Where People Are

When you see the Kingdom (Anthem for salvation)

The deepest craving of every human being is to be seen and truly known – and loved anyway.
We crave for someone to know the real us, inside and out, and still accept us.
We desire for someone to be fully aware of our strengths and flaws, and still believe in us and continue to see greatness in us.
We may have one or two people in a lifetime like that, but they’re the ones who make a lasting impact.
Let’s be that for our people! They’re worth it!


When you enter the Kingdom (Anthem for Sonship)

The deepest craving for every son and daughter is to be accepted by God, in spite of our flaws –
and to be invited to go with Him and do what we see Him doing.
We crave purpose and meaning in our lives.
We long to be part of a community putting Kingdom first, an Ecclesia in Business making real impact.
We long to make our contribution, to be heroic and hear “well done” from Father and friends.
We long to be ourselves, connected with how God made us, fulfilling the desires He wrote in our hearts.
We want to be sons who do the greater works and open doors in the spirit that let the King of Glory in.
We long to pull our friends into their own hearts and heroism with love, to see nations bow in worship.
We are sons all creation has been waiting for, who see Reformation released on earth, it’s our calling.

Reformation – God is inviting people into His Kingdom from every mountain. The business mountain is particularly suited for God’s plan to redeem cities and nations. We’re in the business of carving out those specific roles and making those transformations in people, economies, cities, and nations. It’s a movement and Father is populating it with the sons all creation has been waiting for. Business is a platform for people to participate in a movement. It’s a very big deal! It’s what we’ve all been waiting for.


Cutting Room Floor

We help Kingdom Businesses find & fulfill their unique purpose while producing value & cash flow.
Axiom – Have fun, make money, love people, and build the Kingdom!

  • Look at our Kingdom Business Culture Field Guide. 1-on-1’s are a key feature of a larger strategy, a progression from a Christian business to a Kingdom culture.
  • This blog was inspired by two Council sessions
  • I partner with Larry and Teresa Nault ( A New TTISI assessment tool was approved and launched a few weeks ago. Teresa is now Certified as an Authorized Consultant of this brand-new assessment that measures 8 key factors of employee engagement. It’s the perfect way to objectively measure the operational and relational progress of your 1-on-1 sessions with staff… in 5 minutes. The 8 factors are also key topics that should come up in 1-on-1 conversations.
  • The online brochure with Teresa’s contact information is here.
  • You can kick the tires and take the assessment in 5 minutes here.

Start the assessment process by contacting; phone: (505)429-2987


Click on the graphic for more on the progression of sonship.


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