Staff attrition is always a source of discouragement and profit erosion for a business owner. Not surprisingly, it feels like a relational and strategic betrayal when a senior leader moves on. Why did it happen? Why couldn’t I see this coming? You can; we’ll explain how.

We are all excited about the expression of our vision in our business. It’s easy to share that vision, preach it and teach. We even feel the right to instill our purpose into our employees, so they understand where the company is going and “share the vision.”

The problem is that we really can’t “teach” people anything without knowing “their” purpose. The assumption that people want to exchange their time for our vision plus a salary is premised on “hirelings.” Servants are willing to forfeit their dream for yours; sons are not! You get to choose whether to build your business on servants or sons.

Jesus never taught students, He discipled sons who became overcomers. His goal wasn’t just learning, it was doing! He understood what was in men’s hearts as a foundation for calling them in the first place. He didn’t just teach the good news, He discipled sons into the dream Father had written in their hearts.

“Well, I’m not Jesus!” – I’m a business guy trying to assemble a motivated staff. We can still ask! Everyone I meet, saved or unsaved, has a dream and loves to talk about it. We dishonor them by not asking about the dream(s) God wrote in their heart. We dishonor them as people, treat them like servants, and make them hirelings. We assume they are excited about our dream. They simply are not. Neither are hearts drawn to a culture of control via corporate values, rules, laws, standards, procedures, etc.

No one expects an employer to make their dream come true. They already know you are not God. However, giving them the respect of understanding what God has put in their heart is the foundation of moving hirelings into heroes. Godly leaders connect people with what is already written in their hearts.

Luke 22:25-26“The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those in authority over them are called benefactors (philanthropists). 26 But not so with you. Rather, let the greatest among you become as the youngest (freshest ideas from heaven), and the leader as one who serves (helps, instructs). ESV

Managers who are blind to what is in their staff’s hearts convey ignorance, ego, control, and callousness simply because they haven’t asked. If you want to serve someone, ask about their dream, help them discern its viability, and find ways within your vision to cooperate with it. It’s called shared purpose, and it’s the foundation of motivating heroes. Two wonderful things will happen if you know the dream of those you work with:

  • You won’t be surprised when it is time for them to have that which is their own. It won’t feel competitive or threatening because they are on the same Kingdom team. Their success is not our failure; it’s our success too!
  • Most people you honor by understanding their heart will love you back and build new wings on your business and cash flow with their initiative. Sons do that! You helped father them into what God designed them to do – made their dream come true.

What’s your purpose? – We use conversation (listening), prophetic cheating, and mind maps to help people get their dream on paper. It’s a life purpose statement that summarizes what you want to do and why. We surround that life purpose with four quadrants, 1) what’s your vision to create value and profit in business, 2) how would you like to help people, 3) Your relationship with God, and 4) your relationship with family. We can help people articulate their purpose, where that purpose might lead, and be prophetically correct (Father shares it too). You have honored them at the deepest level when you help another clarify and connect with their purpose. They will love you for it. We are all prewired for destiny and motivated to do it!

Your business has a purpose – The surprising reality is that God has purpose for businesses, cities, and nations as well. If you ask Father, He will show you. That purpose and its initiatives can be put in a mind map too. When it is prophetically correct and business practical, it will draw people into the genius of your calling from heaven. Money, people, and heaven will come and help you reach your dream.

Everyone has a story – and God has designed us all to be heroes in that story. When you help people understand their Kingdom story (past, present, and future), their lives make sense, and they are the heroes in that story. When you father men or women into their book (Ps 139:15-16), Father God gives them a pen with an invitation to help finish the script. We have the sacred privilege of encouraging them to be the star in their story and champion the cause in their purpose.

We recommend The Lead Your Tribe Field Guide; From Herding Cats to Sending Sons.


Resources – The purpose of heaven for each of us is already written in your heart and can be heard in the Council. Your business can shift from a Christian business full of servants to a Kingdom business full of sons who make a difference. We help people and businesses get their prophetic purpose in writing and then make it happen on earth. Taste and see! Tools to get started are here:

  • Intentional Reformation Intro (A free diagnostic you will enjoy along with our purpose & Values)
  • Nail your Purpose Field Guide (A place to start clarifying your heart’s desires)
  • (Our web site and online Courses)
  • USA Book (proof we can get our arms around the books of people, businesses, and nations)

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