The video is here and the purpose and itinerary for the Netherlands is here “Roadmap”
God’s people are in an amazing transition right now to embrace our mandate to disciple nations. It’s not business as usual and it’s both exciting and confusing… because this promise is so big!
“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; …and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Gen 12:2-3 NIV
He said to me, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father. 8 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance… Ps 2:7-8 NIV
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… Matt 28:18-19 NIV
So… I just asked Jesus, “Lord, how do we transition to discipling nations? What are you saying to your people about this?” You can ask Him the same thing. It’s fun, and our Father loves to talk to His sons about this asking.
Have a vision for it – The first thing I heard was to embrace the breadth of God’s promise to bless nations and have a vision to do it. We are not just getting people into heaven, we are here to fill the earth with His glory and redeem whole cultures by solving practical and political problems the whole world faces. That starts with each of us bringing our nation before God in prayer.
Interceding for it – We’ve found a great intercessory tool in the Courts of Heaven to make that practical. The second step is networking with those who already hear this mandate in the spirit. Intercessors are flocking to this mandate right now and there is an open door to network prayer with those who have the authority to do it… the ecclesia (His church). Robert Henderson wrote Unlocking Destinies From the Courts of Heaven… a great place to start.
Networks – there is another dimension of networking in addition to prayer. The world is full of people who have the capacity to embrace big visions… as seers and entrepreneurs. They are not typically sitting in the pews on Sunday morning, yet that have been prepared by God for exactly this hour. Some are saved and some are not, but they all have a heart to cooperate with the Father’s mandate to bless and disciple nations. Here’s the secret: When we make this vision plain and take steps to articulate it practically in terms of goals, it has an evangelistic pull. When we put the Kingdom first and lift Jesus up as the King of kings, everything needed starts to appear and “all men” are drawn to this vision and the fruit.
Activating books – Nations, like each of us as individuals, have destinies (books) which can be fulfilled as sheep nations or missed as goat nations. Our job is to understand what’s in that book, put it in writing, and contend for it. When heaven is depicted in the Bible, nations and kings are present and offering their worship.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Ps 139:15-16 NIV
The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. Rev 21:24-26 NIV
From a very practical standpoint, we are bravely writing down what we understand from the Lord about the Netherland’s book and the calling on the Dutch people to take this message to Europe. We are planning intercession via the Courts of Heaven and finding the people whose hearts are already on this page. Our draft of the “Dutch book” is attached… It’s very interesting.
Intentional Reformation – Can you see the connection between discipling nations and reformation? We all love and embrace revival, but God sounding a much bigger trumpet of reformation. This year is exactly 500 years since Luther’s reformation and there are stirrings in every nation as God begins to stir us toward impacting whole cultures. There are remarkable breakthroughs and birth pangs in the spirit and in every mountain, that are taking place right now. It’s evident in politics, the media, agriculture, medicine, business, education, arts and entertainment… great victories and great warfare at the same time. The bottom line is very simple: God’s Kingdom is being established with grace in every mountain to bless people and nations. It’s time for us discern the times and seasons, and intentionally have goals to cooperate and co-labor with the Father’s vision to disciple nations toward a reformation.
What’s my role? – This seems like a very small question, but it’s actually the biggest. We each have a book and role in what God is doing. We have a Father who is inviting us to put our hand to the plow and co-labor with Him to see our book and our nation’s book fulfilled. Our greatest challenge is this invitation to connect the dots between my personal destiny and the call on my nation, make my contribution in my mountain and offer it to my Father as worship. We use a “Heart Plan” to intentionally open books and see what God has written in the hearts of people and nations. You’re invited… to a party.
Can we do it? – Absolutely! This mandate from heaven for reformation of nations is daunting task. Paul said it best, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Right now His eyes are searching throughout the earth for those who will say “Yes” to this great adventure… volunteer!
Netherlands Conference on Sept 26-28 (My Intro)
Podcast #5 with Tyler McCart
Podcast #3 and #4 Micro-church– The most recent interviews with Shae Bynes
Podcast #1 and Podcast #2 – fun interviews with Steve Reiter and John Ramstead
Books – Releasing Kings and Desire to Destiny
Education Mountain Tools – David Nycz Interview
Heart Plan in Europe –
The Dutch 7 Mountain Web site –
Building Kingdom Companies via Larry Nault
Releasing Kings is available in French
“Libération des Rois pour le ministère dans le monde du travail”
ISBN: 978-90-78643-08-1
Releasing Kings is available in Dutch
“Moderne Koningen”
ISBN: 978-90-75226-71-3