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Helping people to make a connection with their heart and purpose in the Kingdom isn’t theoretical or just theological. Dreams come true when we connect our heart’s desires with our vocation and cash flow. One of the failure points of counseling, Bible College, psychiatry, sozo, inner healing, etc. is that people are invited to let go of a problem without connecting with a practical solution in a new direction. The concept that the path to a dream-come-true usually goes through some form of commerce seems very carnal to many believers. I want to suggest that true spirituality includes the wisdom to navigate finances and create wealth. When we define the desires that God wrote in our hearts, our plan should include a wealth creation component. Your and my dreams cost money! Building the Kingdom and fulfilling the will of God costs money.
The promise is not to get wealth (offerings) or transfer wealth (windfall and welfare) but to create wealth… by creating value for others.
But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. Deut 8:18 NIV
It’s Fun! – Let me take this thought one step farther. The disciples we produce are very prone to thinking that somehow their dream will be funded by others. What we all learned about finances is how to pass the offering plate. There is a realm of wisdom and anointing to create wealth. We don’t worship wealth; it’s just a necessary tool that we need to make dreams come true and to fulfill our destiny. It is fun to create wealth because the transaction creates value for others. When we are “connected” there really is a ministry component in the very process of creating wealth.
Wealth creation – Here are 7 ways you can get started.
- Get connected – Be advised that there is some warfare over this concept, practically and spiritually. The price of succeeding in your dream will not be trivial, so your heart has to know why it’s important. Your dream is something that God wrote in your heart; it’s something that you will enjoy and at which you will excel. It will be worth the investment. Secondly, your heart needs to know why it’s important for reasons outside yourself. The best one I can think of is that it’s something that is also on God’s heart – It has a larger Kingdom purpose. When you connect those two dots (your heart and God’s heart), you will have some leverage to do great things. A coach who understands hearts can help you with this step – we use a heart plan.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt 6:33 NIV
- Steward what you already have – People without a vision are financially careless. It is worth saving for and investing in a dream – you are worth it. Servants just won’t invest in themselves or their dream, but once you and I catch a glimpse of the great thing God has for us, it becomes a priority and it shows how we handle our finances. A financial planner or CPA can help you with this step.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. 45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. Matt 13:44-46 NIV
In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has. 21 He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. Prov 21:20-21 NIV
- Investing in your dream – Take this suggestion as a spiritual discipline. Buy at least one stock… do something that you can call your own that represents an investment in your dream. There are lots of different options, and a good investment broker can help you. Make it your goal to develop a second stream of income by buying “income generating assets.”
The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. 13 The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. Deut 28:12-13 NIV
- Investing in Real estate – If you have the time to take care of property, buy land, houses or rentals. If you don’t, then hire a property manager and buy land, houses or rentals. Real estate is often a wise choice over a life time because it’s not that hard to own enough rental property to receive a full-time income and free up your dream. Talk to a real estate broker or investor and get smart on your options. There are ways to invest in real estate that don’t require a lot of capital, and the good ones are cash positive from the beginning. There are ways to invest money in a fund to do the same thing with less money – in the U.S. it’s called a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust). It’s a great way to start small.
- Start a business – Starting a business is all about having a good idea, being creative, industrious and persistent. The concept of creating value for others through a business can easily be a spiritual ministry that makes money at the same time. Give yourself permission to dream and write a business plan around every idea that you have. The best way to dream is to do cash flow around the implementation of the idea. People with experience can review your business plan and cash flow, and keep you out of trouble. If you have a business idea, get acquainted with people in that field. It’s easy to look at lots of different business opportunities by talking to a business broker in your area. A franchise recruiter can do the same thing in that world.
- Get a job – Dreams are often so big that they require corporations to accomplish them. Instead of working for money, work for someone whose dream you share – you eventually make even more money because you’ll be working with your heart instead of against it. If you can see the Kingdom purpose behind a job working with someone else, it can be very rewarding and prosperous.
- Funding your dream – What happens when your cup overflows? What happens when all the bills are paid, you are debt free and there is still plenty of money available? What if your business is your ministry – an expression of your heart and passion? That’s called freedom. It’s the way God intended us to live so that we have the time and resources to bless people and nations. That’s why God is preparing His people to think differently about wealth and commerce. It’s how the Kingdom is built – we need your dream to come true.
And the frosting is…. Kingdom – connecting with your heart creates wealth, enables ministry that changes cultures and discipleship comes very naturally. People are hungry for practical, Kingdom and the presence of Jesus.