I recently updated my own goals and plans, shared them with eight friends and got back some valuable input through the process. These folks genuinely cared about me and my vision, and went out of their way to offer some practical and prophetic suggestions. It felt like love and I wanted to swim in it.
People who are successful in life are very careful to surround themselves with others who share their dream. They find those with a similar heart’s desire, and work with them to multiply the effect of their mutual dream. It’s a powerful Kingdom dynamic, both spiritually and practically… When you know the deepest desires of another person’s heart, it’s easy to love them and respect them and help them.
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Acts 2:1 (see also Acts 1:14, 2:46, 4:24, 5:12, 8:6, 15:25, Rom 15:6)
In the Greek, homothumadon is translated “with one accord,” meaning unanimous in passion. When we find people with a passion in their hearts that matches our own, it feels like we found a family member. There is chemistry: a relational bond that forms easily and our mutual dream is greatly encouraged. There is something about “working together” on a shared goal that is pure joy. It’s a Kingdom dynamic.
Roots of courage – Pursuing our dream has a huge “fear of failure” quotient for all of us. The simple truth is that people who feel loved by God and by friends know that if they fail they will have the strength to get back up and try again. Being entrepreneurial and creative in pursuing our destiny is much easier when we add love to the equation. The simple fact is that if we contend for our destiny and pursue our highest dreams, we will have some failures along the way. We need to plant the friends and the love we’ll need to resurrect when it does happen.
I’ve had some huge successes; it’s really nice to have friends to share the victories, who celebrate with us – otherwise it feels kind of empty. I’ve also had some huge failures. I’ve had friends send me cards, call, send me money, and just talk me though the valley. Without that encouragement, I might not be here to try again. A setback with discouragement coupled with loneliness is a formula for quitting on many levels. What inspires people to reach out to us is that they understand our dream and love us for it because they share some level of that same passion.
The God Factor – A dream that is sustainable and survivable has another friend who is passionate about it – Jesus. When we are on the same page with the Father regarding our dream, we are encouraged. You and I can sense the wind of God’s spirit in our sails when we work with Him. All our friends can sense it too. Sure people love for just being us. But, when we represent a portion of the Kingdom, the love is magnified even more. Our friends will not let us fail and they will bring many of the ingredients to help us succeed.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matt 18:20
Strangers we already know – Hearts on the same page is a spiritual high for me. I love divine appointments with like-hearted people who reveal Kingdom synergism. When we meet and hear the overlap of our dreams, it feels like we’ve known each other for years. We find the presence of God, a sense of team, and success in business in the same place, with the same people. That spirit sets my heart into a place of liberty where I can be myself and experience doing what I was created for, and feel the glory it brings to me and to God. I am a steward of His glory. It’s my job to play my role and to do something great, and bring greatness to my team. Being entrepreneurial is very competitive… but not in a way that defeats others. When we succeed, we take others with us and we rejoice when they accomplish their goals as well. Those in touch with their own hearts are best equipped to celebrate when the dreams of a friend come true.
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. 5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests. Ps 20:4-5 NIV
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