The video is here.

One of the great motivations for believers is, to work with our Father to please Him and then hear, “Well done.” Our identity is never complete until we work together. Co-laboring with Christ is very healthy and natural. God created us each for a role in the Kingdom and one of life’s greatest challenges is finding and connecting with that call. When we do connect, it’s obvious; we are authentic instead of trying to live up to someone else’s expectations. When we first give our hearts permission to volunteer for the Kingdom, the servant mentality automatically flips into what we “think” God wants. I’ll call it “full-time ministry.” That ministry model has some of these ingredients:

Out of this World – I’m fearful of presumption and of being myself (because I’ve tasted the disaster of my own sinful lifestyle). I just want to obey and hide myself under God’s wings and dwell in His sanctuary.

A Living Sacrifice – I’m sacrificing my life to serve God. Moses refused the world’s riches, I should too. God will provide! Translation – I don’t have the courage to find a role in the marketplace. I’m fleeing from, or unsuccessful in, my career or business and the introversion of ministry is a nice, safe bubble.

Pulpit Idolatry – I want a stage to teach, preach, coach, counsel and market myself to others … but it’s not from a position of being successful, fruitful or content with my own life. “Ministry” ministers to “my need.” I put others under the same pretense of trying to be what they are not, and do what they can’t.

An Offering Mentality – Instead of creating value for others according to their needs, I’m defining their needs and around my message and imposing it with an expectation that I will be paid to preach it. Income is via offerings or foundations. I’m trying to sell the sound of my message, so others can hear, instead of living it, so they can see it work.

For 98% of us, the fill-time ministry model is a life-long treadmill of turning up our will power to be something we’re not. The pressure to operate outside our true calling gradually sucks out the personality and leaves an empty, preachy shell. We have all met them; there, yet never present; public, yet never available. We have also seen some of these tendencies in the mirror. There is a place of healing and finding God’s acceptance by connecting with our own DNA.

Kingdom is different. The secret sauce is not a message, it’s a person. Jesus wants a relationship first, where we are willing to align with our Father and connect with the desires He wrote in our heart. Authenticity doesn’t start until we are brave enough to be ourselves and wise enough to discern when we are pretending. That contentment to Choose Yourself and Just Do You frees us from the competitive spirit to imitate and compare ourselves to others. Kingdom begins when we enter the rest and start the work of becoming ourselves and put a stop to the exhaustion of wearing a mask.

The Result of Alignment – When we align with the talents, passion and purpose that God wired into our own hearts something profound happens. You have heard the statistic that we use less than 10% of our brain capacity. The rest is mysteriously locked up in our subconscious. When we use our natural talents to work on the God-given desires of our hearts, we all tap into our subconscious or heart in a much greater way. Our capacity can go up 10-fold and make an amazing difference. We become content to be authentically ourselves. We lose the stress of trying to remake ourselves into something we are not. We are naturally more intuitive and creative. Our passion is easily distinguished from toil and it invites divine appointments with the right people, ideas, opportunities, relationships and wealth that now flows toward us. Secular spiritualists call it the “law of attraction.” The rest of us call it walking with the Holy Spirit and finding our mountain, i.e., God’s heart and my heart pulling in the same direction.

How? – Finding our personal passion and path is a life-long endeavor that unveils something new every year; not easy, yet very possible, practical and exciting.

Start where you are – The biggest ingredient is creating the space in our theology to realize God values work. The wisdom of wealth creation is a primary and spiritual ingredient of our life and calling. With that foundation, we all start from where we are! … even if it feels like slavery.

Each one should remain in the situation which he was in when God called him. Were you a slave when you were called? Don’t let it trouble you — although if you can gain your freedom, do so. 1 Cor 7:20-21 

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation… I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Phil 4:12-13 NIV

Start a conversation – Read and download the helps at How to Open Your Book and Find Your Why. Talk to your Father and dream about your options and put them in writing. When you do, the wisdom of choosing the right one or two will become obvious and the Holy Spirit will confirm it by revelation and the cashflow will confirm it by wisdom. Others can help us through the process, but no one can do it for you. If you get stuck, we use a Heart Plan to facilitate the conversation with Jesus.

Get real – Real Kingdom ministry flows out of who we are in Christ and what we do in our mountain. Others are drawn by the example of our work and the fruit of sons and daughters we helped align with their own hearts. It’s much more authentic than just information and revelation; much more fun too! This is not the information age, it’s the innovation and implementation age.

PS: We are in a huge transition: from 5-fold ministry to a thousand-fold. Those called into “ministry” exceed the sand on the seashore and the stars in the sky. Why? Because we are in a reformation to bless nations. We need your help! you have a bright future and a key role in God’s Kingdom. Remember, He chose you. More here.


If you’re one of those young lions hungry to birth a reformation in the Netherlands, contact Marcel van den Berg

Podcast #5 with Tyler McCart

Podcast #3 and #4 Micro-church– The most recent interviews with Shae Bynes

Podcast #1 and Podcast #2 – fun interviews with Steve Reiter and John Ramstead

Books – Releasing Kings and Desire to Destiny

Heart Plan in Europe –

Building Kingdom Companies via Larry Nault


Releasing Kings is available in French

“Libération des Rois pour le ministère dans le monde du travail”

ISBN:  978-90-78643-08-1


  Releasing Kings is available in Dutch

“Moderne Koningen”

ISBN:  978-90-75226-71-3

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